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A Few Must-Know Tips for Wearing Braces to Work

A Few Must-Know Tips for Wearing Braces to Work

July 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — orthoframingham @ 3:53 pm
Smiling woman taking notes while working in office

Is your first day at the office with braces rapidly approaching? Maybe you’ve been back at work for a few weeks now and you need some assistance when it comes to staying on track with your treatment plan while on the job. In both cases, the following tips for wearing braces to work will help immensely. So, read on!

Tip #1: Create an On-the-Go Dental Care Kit

Whether you have traditional braces, ceramic braces, or clear aligners, you need to brush your teeth after each meal and snack. To ensure that completing your oral hygiene regimen is easy whether you’re eating at the office, grabbing brunch with a coworker, or taking a client out to lunch, create an on-the-go dental care kit! Simply fill a small pouch with everything you need – from a travel-sized toothbrush to a small tube of toothpaste.

Tip #2: Make Water Your Drink of Choice

Prior to starting your teeth-straightening journey, you might have filled your day with countless cups of coffee to keep you going. While drinking this caffeinated beverage in moderation is certainly okay, over-indulging can quickly stain your teeth. That’s one of the reasons we recommend making water your drink of choice!

Note: Water will also help you stay hydrated, prevent dry mouth, and remove food particles and other debris from your braces!

Tip #3: Be Mindful of What You Eat

To reduce your risk of sustaining a broken bracket, a protruding wire, or another orthodontic emergency, you should follow the dietary guidelines given to you (which basically boils down to avoiding crunchy, hard, and gooey foods). Instead, fill your meals and snacks with nutrient-dense foods that are softer in consistency, like oatmeal, bananas, hard-boiled eggs, and plain yogurt. This is the best way to ensure that your teeth, your gums, and your braces stay in tip-top shape!

Tip #4: Break Bad Habits

When you’re at work, do you chew on the back of your pen? Do you bite your nails during meetings? Do you grind or clench your teeth when working on a time crunch? These are all habits that can negatively impact the condition of your teeth and your braces. That’s why it’s so important to opt for healthier alternatives, like squeezing a stress ball.

Tip #5: Stock Your Desk with the Essentials

If you have your own desk, then take the time to stock it with the essentials. That includes dental wax, backup oral hygiene supplies, sugar-free mints, and soft snacks. That way, you’re always prepared!

About the Practice

We have two exceptional orthodontists leading our team at Simply Orthodontics, Framingham: Dr. Simon and Dr. Alkhoury. With decades of combined experience, they have the training, talent, and passion needed to create custom treatment plans and help each patient have the positive experience they deserve. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with us, then get in touch via our website or by phone at (508) 250-0170.